September 19, 2024

Your Gateway to Indian Americans, One Story at a Time

12th AKKA World Kannada Conference in Richmond, Virginia

 12th AKKA World Kannada Conference in Richmond, Virginia

By Venkatesh Raghavendra and Aishwarya Singh

Like every other major in-person gathering, COVID-19 had put the brakes on the AKKA in-person gathering.  However, it is with great energy and pomp that the AKKA (Association of Kannada Kootas of America) World Kannada Conference is back in-person for the first time since 2018. With the pandemic taking away the power of such convenings, this coming together will be an exciting event for nearly 6,000 people gathering from across the world, including countries like the UK, Australia, and the UAE in Richmond, Virginia.

Held from 30th of August 2024, the 12th AKKA World Kannada Conference will be at the Greater Richmond Convention Center with an esteemed lineup of guests and dignitaries, including hundreds of prominent Kannadiga figures from literature, art, music, politics, and academia. The event will be a show of cultural solidarity in the heart of the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains.

“Along with our sister organization Kaveri of Greater Washington DC, we are committed to making this a memorable experience for all our guests. I am also grateful to the incredible support given by the Government of Karnataka to ensure the success of this AKKA conference”, said Ravi Boregowda, President of AKKA and a key host in Richmond.

AKKA, established in 1998 at the first World Kannada Sammelana, is a non-profit aimed at the connection of Kannadigas across Canada and the United States, and the preservation of Kannada language and culture in North America. When the first AKKA World Kannada Conference gathered in Houston in the year 2000, more than 2000 people attended, making it one of the most talked about events of the year. Today, 60,000 Kannadigas are members of AKKA, making it a force among Kannadigas worldwide.

“The whole genesis of AKKA was to bring all the Kannadigas under one umbrella. We are thrilled about the success and how this community has grown. We would like to integrate more of the next generation of youngsters who are born and raised here”, said Amarnath Gowda, the founding trustee of AKKA, reminiscing the long journey of AKKA as a binding force for the NRI Kannadiga community.  He added, “We are maintaining and infusing our culture heritage, language and enabling the community to integrate with mainstream society on the socio-economic, political and business fronts.  Charity work both here in US and India is equally an important mandate for us.”

The festivities will include business forums where industry trailblazers and entrepreneurs will discuss innovations and ideas. A plethora of doctors from Karnataka who have made a mark in the field of science and medicine in the United States will also use this opportunity for continuing medical education.

“Richmond is ready to welcome all the Kannadigas with full hearts and open arms. Lots of entertainment, food and networking is planned for these three fully packed days.  Let the AKKA Vaaridhi (ocean) flow everywhere”, said Convenor Shanmugan Venkatarangan,. “Volunteers have worked tirelessly day and night to make this 12th convention a memorable one and we are grateful to them”, added Haridas Lahari and Dr. Naveen Krishna, the Co-Convenors of AKKA.

Women power is in full force right from the ideating to the execution and planning of the convention.  The Women’s Forum with the theme “Empowered women, empower women,” is one of the highlights of the convention.  Former Minister and a leading advocate of women’s empowerment Mrs. Rani Satish said, “I am delighted to be at AKKA and add to the strong voices of all these incredibly successful women of Karnataka who are a force to reckon with.  Their collective energy is very inspiring.”

Nataraj Halebeedu, who is leading the food and hospitality team, says, “We want to ensure that the food and hospitality stand out for our guests.  It is our aim to showcase the rich cuisine and the diversity of the food of our beloved state of Karnataka.  From the delicacies of the coast to the rottis of North Karnataka and the mouth-watering mudde-sambar of South Karnataka, we are striving to see that our delegates get a full experience of our state’s palate.  We know how much food and hospitality matter to the overall experience and our dedicated team of volunteers are leaving no stone unturned.”

While the event is geared towards the Karnataka diaspora, registration and attendance is encouraged for all. For registration and more information, visit the AKKA website.

Venkatesh Raghavendra and Aishwarya Singh are frequent contributors to American Bazaar and DesiMax Online.

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