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Utah Senate, House pass resolution honoring Sikh community

 Utah Senate, House pass resolution honoring Sikh community

Unanimously passed joint resolution highlights the history and significant contributions of the Sikh community

The Utah State legislature has unanimously passed a resolution honoring the Sikh community for their contributions and service to humanity despite facing “oppression and discrimination throughout the world”.

The resolution was introduced by Representative Angela Romero and Senator Luz Escamilla and passed last week, Kutv reported.

Read: California Sikh wins hate crimes case in federal court (January 31, 2023)

”The Senate unanimously passed HJR (House Joint Resolution) 4, a resolution highlighting the history and significant contributions of the Sikh community,” Utah Senate tweeted. “We were joined by members of Utah’s Sikh community as well as those from India and other parts of the world,” it wrote.

The resolution appreciated the Sikh community for their humanitarian services despite facing “oppression and discrimination throughout the world.”

”The state of Utah seeks to further the diversity of its community and afford all residents the opportunity to better understand, recognize, and appreciate the rich history and shared experiences of Sikhs to enforce laws for access to equal opportunity of humans, irrespective of their caste, creed, color, or appearance,” the resolution read.

The senators gave the Sikh members in attendance a standing ovation before passing the resolution.

Before Utah, 15 other states, including New Jersey and Pennsylvania, have recognized the Sikh community for their service.

In December, Utah and Mississippi became the 15th and 16th states in the US to include Sikhi or practices and introduction of the Sikh faith in their school curriculum.

The new subject would make it possible for more than a million public school children in the two states to learn about Sikh faith, history, and contributions to American life alongside other major world religions.

Read: US State Senate unanimously passes resolution honouring Sikh community (February 6, 2023)

More than 24 million students across the United States now have the opportunity to learn about, Sikhism, the fifth largest religion in the world, in school.

The community has contributed to American society for over 125 years in the fields of civil rights, politics, agriculture, engineering, and medicine.


AB Wire

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