September 20, 2024

Your Gateway to Indian Americans, One Story at a Time

Puneet Ahluwalia running for Fairfax supervisor

 Puneet Ahluwalia running for Fairfax supervisor

Puneet Ahluwalia

Puneet Ahluwalia, a first-generation Indian American businessman, is running for Fairfax County supervisor in Virginia to, as he says, “bring accountability, good governance and diversity of ideas to the supervisor board.”

“We have a large number of Indian and Asian Americans residing and doing business in Fairfax County and they need representation,” said Ahluwalia who has lived and raised a family in Fairfax with his wife Nadia.

“Puneet knows the struggles our families face because they’re the same struggles he, his wife, and his children face,” his campaign stated noting that Ahluwalia “wasn’t born here, he chose to be an American.”

Noting that there has been a serious spike in crime, he stressed “the need to hire 300+ police officers to ensure the safety and security of our communities.”

READ: Indian cricket legend Kapil Dev backs Puneet Ahluwalia for Virginia LG (April 8, 2021)

Fairfax County schools SAT scores had dropped 27 points with more emphasis on hiring administrators than teachers, Ahluwalia said.

Making “a commitment to make parents partners in their children’s lives and education,” he said the County “should hire and retain our hard-working teachers to ensure merit-based education to all our children”

He also vowed to identify waste and misuse of “our tax dollars to reduce property taxes.

“Our incomes have not doubled but our property taxes have in the last 10 years,” Ahluwalia said. “The cost of living and increasing inflation is making it very hard on Fairfax county families.

READ: Indian American Puneet Ahluwalia running for Lt. Governor of Virginia (September 26, 2020)

“Local government elections are so important as these issues impact our daily lives,” he stated.

“Puneet will bring sanity back to politics in Fairfax County. He’ll work hard to restore integrity and honesty in county government. And he’ll put our people first,” according to a note on his website.

“Northern Virginia has become ground zero for an ideology-driven agenda that wants to re-create society, disempower families, and promotes a narrative that puts a small group of elites in charge of your destiny,” he said.

“Very often these days those of us who disagree with that ideology, are slurred with name calling,” Ahluwalia said. “I believe that’s a big part of the problem with politics these days. Narrow doctrine over thoughtful action.”

“I’m running for Fairfax supervisor in the Dranesville district because we have real problems. But the growing division and incivility of our politics make it almost impossible to solve those problems,” he said.

“Rising crime, the declining quality of our schools, unmanaged growth, and the high cost of living here — these aren’t left wing issues or right-wing issues. They’re problems eroding the quality of life for all of us who make this special corner of America home.”

“My wife and I have built a business here, and raised a family here. We love Fairfax County and we love the people,” Ahluwalia said. “I believe that under all the anger in our politics today, our shared values can unite us in finding solutions to the problems Fairfax residents face.”

Ahluwalia pledged that as supervisor “I will always be honest and tell you the truth. I’ll not pursue any agenda other than uniting with others to find practical solutions to the issues that confront us.”

“I’ll work without fear or favor to do the right thing and always remember I work for you, not the other way around.”


  • Arun Kumar

    Arun Kumar served as the Washington-based North America Bureau Chief of the IANS, one of India's top news agencies, telling the American story for its subscribers spread around the world for 11 years. Before that Arun worked as a foreign correspondent for PTI in Islamabad and Beijing for over eight years. Since 2021, he served as the Editor of The American Bazaar.

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Arun Kumar

Arun Kumar served as the Washington-based North America Bureau Chief of the IANS, one of India's top news agencies, telling the American story for its subscribers spread around the world for 11 years. Before that Arun worked as a foreign correspondent for PTI in Islamabad and Beijing for over eight years. Since 2021, he served as the Editor of The American Bazaar.

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