September 17, 2024

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Nepali American Maryland Delegate Harry Bhandari to run for Congress

 Nepali American Maryland Delegate Harry Bhandari to run for Congress

Harry Bhandari; photo credit:

Harry Bhandari, the first Nepali American elected to a state legislature, to run from Maryland’s second congressional district.

Maryland Delegate Harry Bhandari, a Nepali American, will seek the Democratic nomination from the state’s second congressional district. Bhandari’s announcement comes in the wake of incumbent C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger’s decision to retire after 11 terms.

Ruppersberger, who has served the district for 11 terms, announced on January 26 that he will not seek reelection at the end of his current term.

Bhandari (46), the first Nepali American elected to a state legislature in the United States, has been serving as a member of the Maryland House of Delegates from the eighth district since 2019.

List of Indian Americans running for Congress in 2024 (January 15, 2024)

“I’m running for Congress to give back to the Country which has given me so much,” Bhandari said in a press release on Monday. “Where I grew up in Nepal, electricity was a luxury. I would walk for hours to get to school. When I came to the United States, I worked at a gas station for minimum wage, and was able to become a teacher, earn my PhD, and become a Delegate. I will do everything that I can do to make sure that everyone has the same opportunities that I received.”

The second congressional district encompasses sections of Carroll and Baltimore counties, along with smaller segments within Baltimore City. Since 2003, the seat has been held by Ruppersberger, a Democrat.

The district’s demographic makeup consists of 59 percent White, 26 percent Black, 7.3 percent Asian, and 6 percent Hispanic residents. As per the Cook Partisan Voting Index, it is categorized as a Democratic-leaning district with a rating of D+7.

“As Delegate, I’ve been working hard on reducing Emergency Room wait times and the cost of prescription drugs, as well as fighting gun violence in our schools,” said Bhandari, a teacher by profession. “I’ve also been able to help deliver millions to build new schools. In Congress, I will continue to fight to make healthcare and education affordable and accessible, reduce gun violence in schools, and codify Roe v. Wade.”

Born in Thapathana, Nepal, Bhandari came to the United States in 2005.


AB Wire

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