September 19, 2024

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Indian American cabbie drives Harry and Meghan during paparazzi chase

 Indian American cabbie drives Harry and Meghan during paparazzi chase

Sukhcharan Singh who drives around Manhattan said he instantly recognized the passengers when they hopped in his cab

As media in the US and in UK are abuzz about the news of an eventful cab ride Prince Harry and his wife Meghan undertook in New York City on Tuesday night, reports have now emerged that it was an Indian American cabbie who drove the couple around.

Prince Harry and Meghan have described the paparazzi chase during their ten-minute ride in Manhattan as near catastrophic.

Driver Sukhcharan Singh who drove the couple around told Sky News that he instantly recognized the couple the moment they boarded the cab.

On how the couple got into his cab, Singh told the news outlet that he was on the 67th street when the security guard hailed him. It must have been quite a surprise for Singh to see the Duke and Duchess themselves sitting down in his cab as he instantly recognized the couple.

The late night cab ride has been in the news as the couple have alleged that they had a near catastrophic encounter with the paparazzi during their drive. Singh told Sky News that they were blocked by a garbage truck and suddenly paparazzi came and started taking pictures.

Unfortunately, just as the couple was about to tell Singh their drop-off location, perhaps it was the presence of paparazzi that made them go back to the police station – the point where they had hailed the cab from.

Singh also said, “They were nice people, they looked nervous. I think they were being chased the whole day or something. They were pretty nervous.”

After claims of a near catastrophic car chase from Harry and Meghan’s spokesperson, the media has been following up the story.

The NYPD said that they assisted the private security team that was helping Prince Harry and Meghan. The police said that there were numerous photographers that made their transport challenging.”

Read: Prince Harry, Meghan say they were chased by NYC paparazzi. Cab driver describes incident. (May 17, 2023)

“The couple “arrived at their destination and there were no reported collisions, summonses, injuries, or arrests,” it added.

Harry and Meghan were in New York to attend an awards ceremony — the Ms Foundation Women of Vision Awards. Meghan’s mother Doria Ragland accompanied the couple.


Zofeen Maqsood

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