September 20, 2024

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Indian American teenager’s body found down a cliff in Texas

 Indian American teenager’s body found down a cliff in Texas

Sri Reddy’s mom tracked her location through her phone when she didn’t find her daughter at the school pick up

In more distressing news coming out of Texas, it has been confirmed that the body of the teen found at the bottom of a cliff was an Indian American teenager.

When 16-year-old Sri Reddy, a junior at The Keystone School in San Antonio did not show up at her school pick up, her mother got worried. She began tracking her daughter’s location on her phone.

Read: Indian professional Aishwarya Thatikonda killed in Texas shooting (May 8, 2023)

The harried family immediately reported to the police the location of her daughter which was shown as the area of Heroes Stadium on Thousand Oaks. This area is 12 miles away from where the teen’s school was.

While the officers were still responding to the scene, the mother’s worst fears came true. She found her daughter at the bottom of a cliff. The area was reportedly carved out by a former rock quarry. Emergency medical workers who reached the spot were unable to save her.

Sri Reddy appears to have fallen off the cliff and died of injuries, according to police. However, investigations are still ongoing about how the teen landed there.

Sri Reddy was a bright member of her school. She was a member of the school’s Science Fair Team. She was also a member of the Upper School Robotics team and the National Honor Society for high achieving students.

The Keystone School has released a statement paying tribute to Reddy, who was described as a standout student with a passion for music.

“She was a member of the National Honor Society, an award-winning member of the school’s Science Fair team, a member of the Upper School robotics team, and contributed to The Keynote [student newspaper],” the high school stated.

Read: Indian American Mom Finds Body of Missing Teen Daughter at Bottom of Cliff in Texas (May 9, 2023)

“Last year, she sang ‘Vedrai Carino’ by Mozart at Music Fest at the Tobin Center for the Performing Arts, and she sang in the cast of the Upper School musical ‘Grease.’”

Police said the circumstances of Reddy’s death are still under investigation.


Zofeen Maqsood

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