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ITServe Alliance empowers local communities through CSR

 ITServe Alliance empowers local communities through CSR

ITServe members on Capitol Hill Day 2023, in Washington, DC, on July 19.

ITServe Alliance, lthe argest association of IT services organizations, says it aims to empower local communities through STEM advocacy, educating the underprivileged, feeding the hungry, supporting the veterans and first responders and recognizing community heroes.

“ITServe Alliance members are passionate about the wellbeing of society just as they have been about their businesses,” says Amit Goel, Managing Director of ITServe Alliance Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).

CSR has a broad range of initiatives aimed at creating a positive impact in various areas, he says. “The activities are STEM scholarships & STEM grants, Youth Entrepreneur Program, recognizing community heroes and community involvement by volunteering.”

READ: ITServe seeks lawmakers’ support for bill to close skills gap (August 8, 2023)

In order to achieve these lofty goals, ITServe has assembled an exceptional team of 15 dynamic committed and talented national leaders, Goel stated, according to a media release. In addition to the national chairs, ITServe boasts of 21 chapters, each led by a dedicated chapter president, who serve as a pillar, championing the ITServe vision alongside the CSR objectives.

“ITServe’s CSR plays a very critical role in helping us realize our mission of giving back to our communities and working towards the wellbeing of the larger society,” says Jagadeesh Mosali, President of ITServe Alliance.

Amar Varada, Governing Board Chair says, “ITServe CSR vision is empowering local communities through education and training, creating local employment and supporting our first responders.”

Vinod Babu Uppu, Governing Board Chair -2023, said, “Over the years, ITServe Alliance has established a name for itself as the center point of information for its members and the larger community, covering a variety of areas ranging from immigration, technology, economy, and many more that are relevant to its members.”

“Through CSR, ITServe encourages and facilitates member engagement in volunteer activities, enabling them to contribute their skills, expertise, time, and resources, ensuring that they collectively make a significant and lasting impact,” says President-Elect of ITServe, Anju Vallabhaneni.

Starting with small steps since its inception in 2010, the CSR team has made a significant impact by investing $1.5 million in STEM activities and various welfare programs, according to the release. In addition to the financial contributions, ITServe members have dedicated thousands of hours of collective efforts to serving local communities.

Goel acknowledges the many challenges he and his team faces. These include identifying the right organizations, where ITServe Alliance CSR can make a contribution and have the maximum impact.”

He expressed confidence that with a passionate and dedicated team, ITServe will reach more organizations and expand its support network, with the goal to create a lasting and positive impact on the lives of individuals and communities in need. ITServe CSR is driven by the belief that together, we will build a brighter future for everyone, Goel says.


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