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‘Uncommitted’ Maryland Democratic candidate Shukoor Ahmed voices opposition to Biden, Trump

 ‘Uncommitted’ Maryland Democratic candidate Shukoor Ahmed voices opposition to Biden, Trump

Shukoor Ahmed

Indian American Shukoor Ahmed is running as an “Uncommitted” delegate to the Democratic National Convention from Maryland’s fifth congressional district in Tuesday’s elections.

He has been actively involved in electoral politics in Maryland since the late 1990s. He first ran for the Maryland House of Delegates in 1998 in District 23.

In Maryland’s primary elections, voters have the option to cast their ballot for an “Uncommitted” candidate rather than selecting a specific individual. This choice allows voters to express discontent and dissent, serving as a form of protest against the established candidates or available options.

After registering as an uncommitted delegate, Ahmed detailed in a February column for the American Bazaar why he decided to do so, citing a desire to represent the diverse perspectives within his district and advocate for progressive values. The day before the May 14th election, in an interview with the American Bazaar, he spoke about why he is running, emphasizing the importance of grassroots engagement and his commitment to amplifying underrepresented voices in the political process.

Why are you running as an uncommitted delegate?

I have decided to run as an uncommitted candidate in the Democratic primary for several key reasons. Firstly, I believe that a rematch between President Joe Biden and and former President Donald Trump would not be politically prudent. We need fresh perspectives and new ideas to address the challenges facing our nation.

Secondly, the office of the President of the United States is one of immense importance and influence, and it is crucial that we have younger, vibrant individuals in this role. We need leaders who can bring energy and innovation to the position, ensuring that our country remains competitive and adaptive on the global stage.

RELATED: Why I registered as ‘Uncommitted’ candidate for Democratic National Convention delegate (February 23, 2024)

Lastly, our foreign policy is in need of significant recalibration. While we advocate for the protection of nations like Ukraine, we must also address the humanitarian crisis in Gaza and hold our allies, such as Israel, accountable for their actions. It’s imperative that we demonstrate consistency and fairness in our approach to global affairs.

What are your expectations from tomorrow’s election? What are your chances of winning?

In the Republican primary, Nikki Haley bravely opposed Donald Trump, sparking important discussions within the party. However, in the Democratic primary, there seems to be a lack of robust debate. While senators like Chris Van Hollen and Bernie Sanders have raised important concerns, there is still a need for broader dialogue and accountability within the party.

My decision to enter this race is not driven by a desire to win, but rather to send a message. I hope that by the close of polling tomorrow, 15 percent to 20 percent of Democrats in my congressional district will join me in sending a clear message to the Democratic Party: they cannot take our support for granted.

What do you hope to accomplish at the convention?

As of May 13, 2024, according to US Today, President Biden holds a significant lead with 3,397 delegates, while uncommitted delegates number only 27, representing less than 1 percent of the total. However, it’s noteworthy that in several states, including Michigan, Minnesota, Wisconsin, and North Carolina, more than 10 percent of voters have chosen the uncommitted option in the Democratic primary.

This suggests a significant portion of Democratic voters are seeking consistency and clarity in policy, both domestically and internationally. President Biden has the opportunity to address these concerns and potentially sway voters like myself by demonstrating steadfast leadership and implementing policies that resonate with the electorate.

Shukoor Ahmed: Biden should not seek reelection, amid rising concerns about his age and mental acuity (September 17, 2023)

There is a perception among Democrats that uncommitted voters might end up bringing Donald Trump. back to the White House. What do you say to them?

Many independent-minded voters across both political parties are growing increasingly disillusioned with establishment politicians. This sentiment is particularly evident within the Republican Party, where a significant number are aligning with figures like Donald Trump. However, it’s worth noting that the Democratic Party has also grappled with its own establishment candidates, evident in the nominations of Hillary Clinton in 2016 and Joe Biden in 2020, sidelining progressive voices like Senator Bernie Sanders.

In my perspective, if I were strategizing for President Joe Biden, I would prioritize building alliances and actively listening to supporters of Nikki Haley and Bernie Sanders. By understanding and addressing the concerns and causes championed by their supporters, President Biden could potentially broaden his base of support and strengthen his position for the General election. As an engaged primary voter who closely follows the political landscape, I have yet to witness any concerted effort from Biden’s campaign to connect with voters like myself. Merely expecting us to support come November demonstrates a significant disconnect between their campaigns and voters.


AB Wire

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