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Opinion | Shashi Tharoor deserves another term from Thiruvananthapuram

 Opinion | Shashi Tharoor deserves another term from Thiruvananthapuram

Shashi Tharoor

Voters of Thiruvananthapuram go to poll on April 26, in the second phase of Indian general elections

By Amal Chandra

In the upcoming battle for the Thiruvananthapuram parliamentary seat, the electorate faces a choice that extends beyond selecting a representative—it’s about determining the trajectory of their collective future. There are three main contenders: incumbent Shashi Tharoor of the Indian National Congress, Bharatiya Janata Party candidate Rajeev Chandrashekhar, and Left Democratic Front’s Panniyan Ravindran.

Among the three, Tharoor, a United Nations Under-Secretary-General for Communications and Public, emerges as a beacon of progressive values, inclusivity, and unwavering dedication to the people. Delving deeper into his candidacy, it becomes evident that Tharoor’s unparalleled attributes, fearless dissent, and stellar record as a Member of Parliament over the last 15 years make him the unequivocal choice to lead Thiruvananthapuram into a future defined by prosperity, harmony, and progress.

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Tharoor’s commitment to inclusivity transcends mere rhetoric, finding its manifestation in concrete actions and policies aimed at uplifting all segments of society. Throughout his tenure, he has championed the cause of minorities, marginalized communities, and the underprivileged, ensuring that their voices are heard and amplified in the hallowed halls of Parliament.

As an MP with almost 94 percent attendance, far above the national and state averages, his track record includes participation in around 100 debates and introduction of 13 private member’s bills, which all accumulated to his victory as the best parliamentarian by winning the Sansad Ratna Award. Further more, he has released a progress report of over eighty pages highlighting his constituency interventions. His unwavering support for the LGBTQ+ community, women’s rights, fisherfolks, and religious minorities underscores his dedication to fostering a society where every individual is treated with dignity and respect, irrespective of their background.

In a time marred by growing communal tensions and divisive politics, Tharoor’s inclusive approach serves as a beacon of hope, offering a path toward unity and harmony. His efforts to bridge communal divides, promote interfaith dialogue, and celebrate the rich cultural tapestry of Thiruvananthapuram have earned him widespread admiration and support across the constituency. In contrast to his BJP opponent Chandrashekhar, who often resorts to divisive rhetoric and identity politics, Tharoor’s message of unity resonates deeply with the people, reflecting their aspirations for a society defined by mutual respect and understanding.

READ: Trump’s America to Modi’s India, mandatory patriotism is dangerous: Shashi Tharoor (December 6, 2016)

Moreover, Tharoor’s fearless dissent sets him apart from the milieu of traditional politicians, who often prioritize party loyalty over principles. Throughout his career, he has fearlessly spoken truth to power, standing up against tyranny, injustice, and authoritarianism in all its forms. Whether it be his scathing critique of the government’s draconian policies or his relentless pursuit of accountability in matters of governance, Tharoor has consistently demonstrated the courage to challenge the status quo and fight for what is right, regardless of the consequences.

At a time when dissent is increasingly under threat and freedom of speech is being curtailed, Tharoor’s unwavering commitment to democratic values serves as a guiding light, inspiring others to uphold the principles of justice, equality, and freedom. His eloquence, intellect, and integrity have made him a formidable opponent to those who seek to undermine the foundations of democracy, earning him the admiration and respect of colleagues and constituents alike.

Moreover, Tharoor’s record as an MP speaks volumes about his effectiveness as a lawmaker and his dedication to the welfare of the people of Thiruvananthapuram. Throughout his three tenures, he has spearheaded numerous initiatives aimed at addressing the pressing challenges facing the constituency, ranging from infrastructure development to healthcare reform. His tireless efforts to promote economic growth, development, and social welfare have had a tangible impact on the lives of millions of constituents, earning him their trust and admiration.

Tharoor’s ability to deliver results, his visionary leadership and strategic foresight, make him the ideal candidate to navigate the complex challenges of the 21st century. Unlike his opponents, whose track records pale in comparison, Tharoor possesses the depth of experience, the nuanced understanding of local issues, and the political acumen necessary to effectively represent the diverse interests of Thiruvananthapuram on the national stage. In contrast, the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) candidate Rajeev Chandrashekhar lacks the depth of experience and the grassroots connection that Tharoor has cultivated over the years. Similarly, while LDF’s Ravindran may espouse ideological purity, he lacks the broad appeal and pragmatic approach necessary to effectively represent the diverse interests of Thiruvananthapuram.

In addition to Tharoor’s undeniable qualities, it’s crucial to address the prevailing sentiment of anti-incumbency against both state and central governments. Thiruvananthapuram, like many other constituencies across the nation, has witnessed discontent among constituents towards the ruling parties, stemming from various grievances such as economic hardships, unemployment, and governance issues.

Moreover, while discussing the competition, it’s worth noting the absence of the 79-year-old former MP Ravindran from the picture of contention. Despite the cadre base of the LDF, his candidacy fails to generate significant traction among voters. His age and relative lack of dynamism might contribute to his inability to effectively engage with the electorate, especially the youth demographic, who are increasingly becoming a decisive force in electoral outcomes.

As Thiruvananthapuram heads to the polls, the choice before the electorate is clear: Tharoor stands out as the best choice to lead the constituency into a future defined by progress, prosperity, and inclusive governance. His inclusivity, fearless dissent, and record of achievement make him the epitome of moral leadership and the embodiment of the aspirations of the people of Thiruvananthapuram. The inclusive mind of Thiruvananthapuram must unite behind Tharoor, reaffirming their commitment to a future where every voice is heard, every dream is nurtured, and every individual is empowered to realize their full potential over diversities.

(Editor’s note: Amal Chandra, the author of The Essential, is a political analyst and research/public affairs professional at the Office of Shashi Tharoor.)



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