September 19, 2024

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South Asian Americans are excited for likely Kamala Harris nomination

 South Asian Americans are excited for likely Kamala Harris nomination

South Asian Americans are excited for likely Kamala Harris nomination

By DesiMax Wire

Indian American leader’s likely historic nomination highlights South Asian community’s growing influence in American politics

As Kamala Harris emerges as likely Democratic presidential nominee, the first person of South Asian descent to lead a major party’s presidential ticket, there is a wave of excitement among South Asians.

The likely presidential nomination of Harris, the first woman and Black and Asian American to ever serve as vice president, could boost South Asian political power, according to Indian American Impact’s political director Taher Hasanali.

“There’s been a huge surge in energy. I know for my fellow South Asians they can understand this, but my WhatsApp groups have been buzzing with excitement, volunteer excitement and energy, fundraising excitement and energy and just a renewed chance at something historic,” said Hasanali in an interview with California NPR. “I think the vice president’s story resonates with so many South Asian immigrants.”

Hasanali said since the organization was founded in 2016, they’ve seen the number of South Asian elected officials grow exponentially.

“Back in 2016 when Indian American impacts started there were less than 50 elected officials up and down the ballot across the country. As we’re talking today, there’s over 300 elected officials,” said Chintan Patel, Impact’s executive director.

That number includes Harris, who has openly embraced her Indian heritage

The need for representation is an idea that this country was founded on, though the idea looks a lot different today. “At the heart of it what makes America strong? Is our diversity, so I think this is an opportunity to really reflect that in a clear embodiment,” said Patel.

Harris’s story resonates deeply with South Asian immigrants, driving excitement and mobilization for greater political influence, according to the organization. Kamala Harris’s historic nomination is a beacon of hope for the South Asian community, highlighting its growing influence in American politics, it said.


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