Modi has been an excellent PM for India: Vivek Ramaswamy

Republican presidential aspirant says it’s time to emulate Modi’s example and stand proudly for American national identity
Praising Narendra Modi as an “excellent” prime minister and an “outstanding leader” of India, Vivek Ramaswamy would like a US president to emulate his example and stand proudly for American national identity.
“I think he’s been an excellent prime minister for India. I think he has unapologetically embraced free-market capitalism,” Republican presidential aspirant told the American Bazaar in an interview. “It’s the best system known to man to lift people up from poverty. We know that from our experience here in the United States.”
“Modi has been building on that experience in India, lifting people up from poverty. Regardless of their background, regardless of identity politics, India has prospered economically. GDP growth is up. I think that’s the ultimate metric of a truly successful unifying leader,” Ramaswamy said when asked about his assessment of Modi.
READ: We need an outsider in the White House: Vivek Ramaswamy (July 11, 2023)
“Economic growth and prosperity is something that unites people of any nation. India is not an exception to that. So I think Modi has been an unapologetic success,” he said. “I also think that in rooting out some of the financial failures, corruption, and otherwise, we have to applaud his accomplishments.”
“No leader is perfect, but I do think that he’s been an outstanding leader of India,” Ramaswamy said in response to a question about the condition of minorities in India and former President Barack Obama’s suggestion to President Joe Biden to bring up the issue during his talks with Modi during his recent state visit.
“I think what we need in the United States and what we can learn from that experience is Modi is a leader that does not apologize for Indian national identity,” he said.
“What we need in the United States is a US president who stands proudly for American national identity. The current president in the White House, I do not think, meets that standard,” Ramaswamy said.
“I’m running to lead America forward to rediscover what it means to be a citizen of the United States,” he said. “Modi’s done a great job of that in India, but now it’s time for someone to rise to the occasion here in the US and answer what it means to be an American.”
Born in Cincinnati to Indian immigrant parents, Ramaswamy, 37, also advocates a stronger partnership with India saying there’s a natural alliance here. “I’m glad to see Modi’s visit here was successful, and, under my presidency, India will absolutely be on the list of core allies for the United States to prioritize.”
READ: Vivek Ramaswamy embraces American nationalist identity for 2024 race (June 7, 2023)
Ramaswamy, who was present during Modi’s address to a joint session of Congress during his recent state visit said, “I think it’s a natural alliance between the world’s two largest democracies, but also at an important time in our history as Americans.”
Ramaswamy said he had not met Modi during his visits to India or during Modi’s six visits to the US, but “I expect to spend time with him after I’m elected, perhaps in the lead-up to the election. We’re meeting with other serious world leaders as well.”
“But I think that the most important is going to be actually honesty and transparency in that relationship, not just the feel-good statements,” he said. “Let’s get to the nit and grit of how we can actually solidify that relationship beyond the platitudes.”
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