GOPIO convention to discuss diaspora’s role in India’s future

GOPIO officials with the convention team at the lamp lighting ceremony to kick-off Convention 2024 planning
The 2024 GOPIO convention is set to be held April 26-28 at the Royal Albert Palace in New Jersey with the theme of ‘Opportunities for Diaspora Indians in India’s Big Manifest Future.’
The convention will focus on India’s present and future and what role the diaspora Indians can play in helping to realize this desirable future, according to a press release from the Global Organization of People of Indian Origin (GOPIO).
GOPIO officials held a kick-off planning meeting to launch the convention on Jan 28 at the Royal Albert Palace in New Jersey. It was attended by GOPIO International and chapter officials from New York Metro area along with representatives of community and professional organizations.
READ: New GOPIO team sworn-in with Lal Motwani as president (March 16, 2023)
GOPIO Executive Council has appointed New Jersey businessman Prakash Shah as the Convention Convener.
At the launch ceremony, Shah said, “Lauding the positive optimistic vision prevailing in India, presents an opportunity to Invest in India which provides the best and biggest opportunity in the World.
“The Bombay Stock Exchange has just crossed $4 trillion and has overtaken Hong Kong to become the third largest in the world,” he said. “While India needs the 35 million diaspora to invest, it is an incredible opportunity for the diaspora to prosper.”
GOPIO President Lal Motwani, who had earlier served as the Convener of the GOPIO convention in New York in 2016, said this major event was in the USA after eight years.
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“This is a big opportunity for our vibrant community in the Tri-State Area and in the USA to participate and help with this very important event for the 35 million strong Indian diaspora.”
GOPIO Chairman Dr. Thomas Abraham spoke about the history of GOPIO and its accomplishments since the formation of GOPIO in 1989, the implementation of the resolutions passed by the first GOPIO convention which included, Dual Nationality and Voting Rights for NRIs.
Five conference sessions are planned at the convention: Diaspora Youth and Young Achievers and the role they can play in India’s Future and how GOPIO can facilitate their participation; Diaspora Women and their Growing Contributions in Various Sectors; Technologies and AI and other Innovations: Diaspora Indians Leading Research and Innovations; GOPIO Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Worldwide Networking of the Diaspora Businesses; and Medical and Health Issues and how Diaspora Indians can Participate in India’s Frontline Role in Pharmaceuticals, Vaccines and Medical Tourism and in Propagating YOGA and its Benefits.
READ: Indian consulate, GOPIO host ‘Meet & Greet’ for Indian students (April 6, 2023)
A 50-member convention committee has been set up. with Prakash Shah as convener, Dr. Asha Samant as Co-Convener, Chitranjan Belwariar as Secretary, and Srinivas Akarapu as Treasurer.
Committee Chairs include Awards – Lal Motwani, Finance/Fundraising – Siddarth Jain, Reception – Hemant Patel, Souvenir Brochure – Jigar Shah with Dinesh Mittal and Lal Motwani as advisor, Volunteers – Bharat Rana, Publicity/PR – Rohit Vyas with Vijay Shah as Media Representative/Adviser, Registration – Dhananjay Desai, Banquet – Dr. Rajeev Mehta, Additional Trips and Events – Shatrughan Dawani.
Conference sessions are chaired by Vasu Pawar for Youth, Dr. Thomas Abraham for Diaspora Indians in Technologies and AI, Dr. Asha Samant for Medical and Health and Prakash Shah for Networking Business through GOPIO Chamber of Commerce.
For the convention venue, the nearest airport is Newark, New Jersey. GOPIO is making arrangements for pick-up at the Newark Airport.
As part of the convention program, GOPIO is arranging a trip to Capitol Hill in Washington DC on April 29 to campaign to the US Congressional Representatives on House HR 6542: “To amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to eliminate the per-country numerical limitation for employment-based immigrants, to increase the per-country numerical limitation for family-sponsored immigrants, and for other purposes.”
Overseas delegates attending the convention have to register first before an invitation letter for a visa is sent out.
Those who want to apply for a US visa may write to Prakash Shah at or contact him at +1 908-267-5021 or contact Lal Motwani at + 516-581-3332.